
Paul Komada

Paul Komada was born in Seattle and raised in Yokohama, Japan. Like a lucky salmon, he’s back in PNW after several years in Philadelphia and Tokyo, as a student/painter and a Buddhist monk respectively. 

Paul's fascination with abstraction comes from his bicultural background. The search for a visual language which contains connection to content (historical and generative) hold a special fascination.

Paul paints “abstraction.” However, after his son was born in 2007, he started knitting too.  He now combines knitting and painting in his studio exploring the boundary between Art and Craft. He has since been extending his search of “hybrid paintings” into digital media using chroma-key tool. Paul combines his photography and paintings in the space between computer and physical studio. He also produces videos of the process of painting over the photos, which further investigates the meaning of Painting as an enduring art form.